Apply for consent to build over an easement

What is an Easement?

An easement will most commonly be situated along a property boundary, but can be located anywhere. Easements are often reserved for essential services, such as:

  • Stormwater drainage
  • Sewerage
  • Water supply, power, gas, or telecommunications infrastructure
  • Overland flow paths for storm flows
  • Right of way for vehicles or pedestrians
  • Reserves for overhead power lines

Building over an easement

Building over an easement occurs when a property owner plans to construct or place a private structure on, near, or above an easement or drain. This cannot be done without obtaining report and consent from Council.

When is a Build over an easement permit required?

If you are a property owner with an easement or a Council drain on your property and you plan to build over or near that easement or drain, you must obtain consent beforehand. To receive this consent, you are required to fill out a Build over an easement permit application, which will be assessed by the Council.

Other agencies or authorities, such as power, gas, and water corporations, may also have an interest in the easement. If this is the case, you must obtain consent from each of the interested parties.


Step 1.Prepare your documentation

Ensure you have the following documents ready for your application:

  • A site plan (A4) showing the proposed construction over the easement
  • Details of the material to be used (e.g., earthen fill, paving, timber, concrete)
  • Evidence of approval from the easement beneficiary
  • A copy of the property title and title plan

Step 2.Complete the application

Fill out the Build over an easement permit application form(PDF, 168KB).

Step 3.Submit and pay for your application

Email your completed application to Our customer service team will contact you to process the payment over the phone. For any queries, call 03 5471 1700.

Step 4.Site inspection

After your payment is received, a Council officer will assess your application. This may require a site visit, and you will be contacted to arrange this. If a pre-works inspection is needed, it can be booked by contacting the Engineering Department at 03 5471 1700.

Step 5.What happens next?

  • After the assessment, you will receive a letter of consent or refusal.
  • If consent is given, the permit will be emailed to you within 10 business days.
  • Once notified that the works are complete, Council officers will conduct a final inspection to determine if any Council assets were damaged.

In person

Step 1.Prepare your documentation

Ensure you have the following documents ready for your application:

  • A site plan (A4) showing the proposed construction over the easement
  • Details of the material to be used (e.g., earthen fill, paving, timber, concrete)
  • Evidence of approval from the easement beneficiary
  • A copy of the property title and title plan

Step 2.Complete the application

Fill out the Build over an easement permit application form(PDF, 168KB).

Step 3.Submit and pay for your application

Bring your completed application and pay for the application by visiting our customer service desk at:

Corner Lyttleton and Lloyd Streets
Castlemaine, Victoria 3450

Step 4.Site inspection

After your payment is received, a Council officer will assess your application. This may require a site visit, and you will be contacted to arrange this. If a pre-works inspection is needed, it can be booked by contacting the Engineering Department at 03 5471 1700.

Step 5.What happens next?

  • After the assessment, you will receive a letter of consent or refusal.
  • If consent is given, the permit will be emailed to you within 10 business days.
  • Once notified that the works are complete, Council officers will conduct a final inspection to determine if any Council assets were damaged.