Maldon Streetscape Revitalisation Project The Maldon Streetscape Revitalisation Project is an exciting initiative that aims to rejuvenate Maldon’s historic streetscape.
Frederick Street precinct design project This project will involve a major upgrade to Frederick Street aiming to create a vibrant town centre.
Camp Reserve to Campbells Creek Accessible Off-Road Trail and Path This project will involve the construction of a path between Camp Reserve in Castlemaine and the Campbells Creek Recreation Reserve.
Newstead flood study This project is designed to reduce the impact of flooding events on the Newstead community. Council will be conducting a multi-stage study in order to inform a design for a new levee in Newstead.
Levee banks project Many homes and buildings in Castlemaine, Campbells Creek and Chewton have been flooded or impacted by rising levels of the shire's three creeks.