Castlemaine landfill capping


The Castlemaine Landfill located on Sluicers Road consists of seven “cells”. A cell is a section of landfill that is separated from other cells, preventing leakage of waste.

The site ceased taking waste in April 2020, with collected waste now processed off-site.

As the licenced operator, we must meet regulations for the site and contain the waste. This is the best way to prevent environmental contamination.

We contain the waste by constructing a protective layer or “cap” over each cell. They are made of earthen and synthetic materials that reduce the risk of contaminated water and gas leaks.

We had already capped three of the landfill cells. Final capping of the remaining four cells formed the basis of this project.

The project requires design, construction, inspection, auditing and project management contracts. We have chosen all contractors via public tender.

This is a major local project, with a budget of $7.5 million over several years, and will deliver a environmentally friendly solution to containing our waste. 

Was this good for the environment?

Experienced consultants designed the caps, which EPA Victoria audited and approved.

Independent third party monitoring of the works continued throughout the project. An EPA-approved auditor had final sign-off.

All works were done under EPA Best Practice Environmental Management (BPEM) guidelines.

Who paid for this project?

Council paid for this project from the Waste Reserve.

Has there been contamination from the site?

No. As the landfill licence holder, we conduct regular monitoring of nearby groundwater. This monitoring and reporting to EPA will continue for the long term.

Were local contractors involved?

All project works have gone to public tender. Our tendering policy ensures local benefits are a criterion of the tender evaluation.

Many of those working on the project live in the shire or our neighbours. Local operators performed the bulk of the sub-contracted work.

Are there further plans for the site?

We will continue to gather data on gas emissions - methane being principal. We have in place suitable treatment for those gases to minimise environmental impact.

By law, we must continue to protect the environment by monitoring and maintaining the site.

Plans are underway to upgrade the Castlemaine Waste Facility into an Environment Centre. This Centre will deal with the ongoing challenge of waste generated by the community.

We appreciate your support, patience and cooperation while Council delivers this important project.