Levee banks project timeline


September and November

Significant rainfall led to flooding in the shire.



Widespread rainfall and flooding occurs across the state. The shire receives around five times the average January rainfall over five days, leading to major flash flooding.

Sixty-five households, 40 farming properties, 11 commercial properties and 10 Council buildings are damaged. There is also considerable damage to footpaths, trails and recreation reserves.

There is flooding in Campbells Creek, Newstead, Yapeen, Chewton, Guildford, Taradale, Metcalfe, Baringhup Caravan Park and Castlemaine (Gingell Street, Bruce Street and Elizabeth Street).


The Victorian Government leads a review of the 2010 Flood Warning and Response.


Victoria SES receives funding to develop the Mount Alexander Emergency Flood Management Plan.



Further high rainfall and flooding occurs. Most of the 157mm rainfall was over two days. This included 81mm in two hours, considered to be a once in more than 100 year event. Around 110 properties are flooded.

The worst affected properties were in Campbells Creek, Chewton, Maldon, Taradale and Castlemaine (Bruce Street, Berkley Street, Johnston Street, Barker Street, Urquhart Street and Bull Street).


The Victorian Government approves a study to undertake the Flood Management Plan.

The North Central Catchment Management Authority (North Central CMA) contracts GHD to develop the plan.


GHD begins its review of available data and historic flood information.




North Central CMA release an Expression of Interest seeking community members to join a Planning Steering Committee. This committee guides the development of the Flood Management Plan.

Work continues in 2013 and 2014 on hydrological, hydraulic, flood damage and mitigation assessments. These assessments feed into plan recommendations.



Community consultation sessions are held in Castlemaine and Campbells Creek. Local residents offer their insights into the Flood Management Plan.


Council adopts recommendations of the Flood Management Plan. The plan includes:
  • the development of an Urban Waterways Management Plan
  • an amendment to the Mount Alexander Shire Planning Scheme with updated flood maps
  • an assessment of flood warning system improvements
  • construction of levees and waterway improvements (this project).



Council conducts a competitive tendering process. We award the contract for investigation and design of flood mitigation treatments to Cardno Victoria.

April to May

Cardno began geotechnical investigation site works.

July and November

Community consultation is held with Gingell Street residents about levee design.



We receive a draft plan for proposed waterway improvement works downstream of Alexandra Street Bridge at Campbells Creek.


Cardno issue levee design drawings for public consultation. Community drop-in sessions are held in Castlemaine and Campbells Creek.

Residents offer input into the proposed designs for Castlemaine and Campbells Creek.



Councillors endorsed the designs for Central Cabin and Van Park, Elizabeth Street, Campbells Creek Township and National School Lane levees.

They also endorse waterway improvement activity downstream of the Alexandra Street Bridge in Campbells Creek.

Councillors also endorse the need for further community consultation for levees in Gingell Street in Castlemaine.

Councillors endorse the Newstead levee as part of a separate design contract.


Council adopt the C082 planning amendment to manage flood risk and the Castlemaine Urban Waterways Management Plan at its Ordinary Meeting of Council.



The Minister for Planning approves the amendment (C082) to the Mount Alexander Planning Scheme.

The amendment incorporates new flood mapping boundaries and planning overlays in flood prone areas in Castlemaine, Campbells Creek and Chewton.


A funding agreement is approved between Council and the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA). This allows for permits and approvals for construction of levee banks and waterway improvements.


Council began work to prepare the project for construction (the Development phase).



Work commences to liaise and engage with local businesses, residents and relevant stakeholders to update them on the current phase of the project.



The Campbells Creek levee has a sewer in the crown land reserve. The conceptual levee design is to be constructed very close to it. Liaise with Coliban to clarify the limitation of conducting works close to the sewer and inform the detailed design of these limitations.


Received formal notification from DELWP that they have received federal funding for the Castlemaine and Campbells Creek Levee Banks project as part of the National Flood Mitigation Infrastructure Program (NFMIP).

Cultural Heritage Management Plan approved by Dja Dja Wurrung's (RAP) CEO, Mr Rodney Carter.




Received final draft of the biodiversity assessment.



Awarded levee bank detailed design to contractor.


Design Consultant had completed Gap Analysis for all four levees.

Feature survey of National School Lane Levee underway.


Title re-establishment survey was completed for Main Road Campbells Creek residents


Geotechnical investigations at the National School Lane Levee site were completed




Geotechnical investigations at the Elizabeth Street site were completed

Arborist Report completed for National School Lane Levee site

Preliminary options assessments and modelling completed by design consultants


Service utilities location is completed for Elizabeth Street and Cabin and Van Park levee sites

Geotechnical investigations at the Elizabeth Street site was completed


Service utilities location is completed for Main Rd Campbells Creek levee sites

Geotechnical investigations at the Cabin & Van Park Levee site was completed

Feature survey were completed for Elizabeth Street and Cabin & Van Park Levee sites

Draft final design for National School Lane Levee under review

The ecologist’s and arborist’s field investigations were completed


Geotechnical investigations at the Main Road Campbells Creek Levee site was completed

Feature survey was completed for Main Road Campbells Creek


Ecologist and Arborist Reports were received


The removal of structures and other items on Crown land was completed

National School Lane Levee Construction tender had been advertised


Surveying of the floor levels of surrounding residences has been completed

Application for a planning permit for the construction of the levees had been submitted


Draft final design for Elizabeth Street Levee under review


National School Lane Levee Construction tender had been awarded


Permit to work in waterways for the construction of the National School Lane levee was received from the NCCMA