To address community feedback Council and the Steering Committee are in the process of creating a number of small working groups to help address community ideas, provide local knowledge and come up with solutions in partnership with heritage experts. The groups will present ideas and solutions back to the Steering Committee for consideration. The intent is to work through the matters raised to ensure the detailed design is appropriate, informed and directed.
Each working group will include both a Steering Committee and Council staff member, along with a small number of local residents with a particular interest and expertise in each area.
To keep the working groups productive, members need to have relevant local knowledge, experience and/or qualifications.
The Steering Committee has developed a shortlist of people who may be interested in joining the working groups, with individuals to be contacted in August 2020. If you believe you have something to offer, have the time available, and would like to join one of the working groups please contact us or one of the Steering Committee members (see list below).
The working groups will remain flexible and tailored towards the issues required to be addressed such as pedestrian safety and connectivity, street furniture and development of the Old Bank Corner.
The initial working group priorities are as follows:
Trees working group – to work through tree protection, replacement and species along with parking and outstands.
Heritage working group – to work through a heritage study and impact assessment process initially. This will then inform other working groups which may be required.
Undergrounding power and lighting working group – to work through heritage matters associated with undergrounding power, as well as street light options to fit the heritage feel of the town.
Building owner and business operator working group – to work through matters related to the undergrounding of power initially, and then other streetscape design features, which may impact properties.
Read more about this project.