Undergrounding power project
Works are underway to place power lines underground in the central business area of Maldon. It will take around six months to relocate the powerlines underground, with care taken to minimise disruption to businesses, residents and the nineteenth century heritage streetscapes.
The original electricity infrastructure was installed in the 1940s and the undergoing of power has been a community wish for over 30 years.
The project will deliver a number of benefits including improving the amenity of Maldon’s heritage streetscape and reducing the risk of power outages resulting from extreme weather and bushfire.
Powercor are leading these works on behalf of Council and has engaged a local contractor to undertake the day-to-day activities.
The works will be carried out in stages to minimise the impact on businesses during the busy lead up to Christmas.
Stages of work
The first stage of works focus on the northern side of the CBD along Fountain, High and Francis street to the Dolphin Street corner, moving to Templeton Street in December. Works will commence along the southern end of High Street, along with Dolphin, Main and Francis streets in 2021. Detail on these stages is still being worked through.
View the map below of the proposed stages of work. Read Powercor’s webpage on this project.

The hours of work are Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 4.00pm to avoid disruption to weekend visitors and trade. Minor cleaning and restorative works may be required on Fridays.
There are no planned power outages in November and December as part of this project. Powercor will inform customers well in advance of any planned power outages.
The works
Most of the work in 2020 involves boring underground, although some open trenching will occur on Fountain Street. Access pits may also be required to be constructed. Powercor has engaged an arborist to advise on the required depths of boring to avoid damage to tree roots.
Traffic management will be in place when required to help pedestrian and vehicles move safely around the work. Powercor is aiming to minimise road disruptions.
Powercor’s project team will notify local residents and businesses directly affected by each stage of works, 7-10 days before they begin. The duration of any impact will range from a few days to a couple of weeks depending on the work being carried out.
No work will take place in key retail areas during December and January to help retail operators maximise trade during the key summer trade periods.
When customer power interruptions are required Powercor and Council will work with impacted residents and businesses to determine the most appropriate times. Power outages will be communicated well in advance and will be planned for the shortest duration possible.
No power outages are planned for 2020 as part of these works.