Newstead flood study

Flood on Pyranees Highway, Newstead

This project is designed to reduce the impact of flooding events on the Newstead community. Council will be conducting a multi-stage study in order to inform a design for a new levee in Newstead. 

Share your knowledge of the Newstead floods on Shape Mount Alexander to help us develop the study.

What is the project?

Council recently received funding from the Federal Government to reduce the impact of flooding on the Newstead community.

Council has begun work with consultants Water Technology on a flood study which will assess flood impacts on the Newstead community. 

The results of the study will be used identify future levee improvement works and provide planning guidance for development in Newstead.



What is the process?

The Newstead Flood Study is a long-term project, and consists of a number of stages.

  • Stage 1 – Undertake preliminary assessment of frequency and severity of flood events in Newstead, as well as impacts of climate change.
  • Stage 2 – Find out from the community about all possible options to manage flooding in Newstead.
  • Stage 3 – Synthesize data and develop draft Newstead Flood Study.
  • Stage 4 – Use results of draft Newstead Flood Study to inform development of design for a new levee.

Who is funding the project?

The project is supported by the Victorian and Australian Governments through funding received from the National Emergency Management Agency Disaster Ready Fund. 

Flood gate works

Council has allocated funding in its 2023/2024 Budget to upgrade the existing flood gate in Newstead.

A request to tender to upgrade the existing flood gate in Newstead is currently being run.

Works on the flood gate are independent of the study.

More information

View Newstead-Flood-Study-Project-FAQs.pdf(PDF, 437KB)

If you have any questions regarding the project, contact Council’s Engineering team on 5471 1700 or email