In This Section
Amendment C084 rezones 26 Market Street Harcourt from the Farming Zone to General Residential Zone. The combined planning permit allows for a 32 lot subdivision.
The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment C084 to the Mount Alexander Planning Scheme. The Amendment came into operation on 11 October 2018 when the Amendment C084 notice was published in the Government Gazette. The Minister also directed Council to issue the combined planning permit for the land for a 32 lot subdivision.
The amendment rezones the land identified as Lots A, B and C, PS 746864C (26 Market Street) and part PS 315122 (part 17 Craigie Street), Harcourt from Farming Zone (FZ) to General Residential Zone (Schedule 1) (GRZ1) on Planning Scheme Map 6 in the Mount Alexander Planning Scheme. The planning permit is for a staged 32 lot subdivision of the land.
The land is wholly within the Harcourt township boundary as shown in the Harcourt Framework Plan at Clause 21.12-6 of the Mount Alexander Planning Scheme. This area has been identified for more than a decade as an area for future residential expansion in the township.
The development of the land for residential purposes is consistent with Clause 21.03-1 (Urban growth) of the planning scheme that seeks to encourage the planned growth of the Calder Corridor towns including Harcourt, being a well serviced rural township identified for sustainable growth in the Loddon Mallee South Regional Growth Plan. Clause 21.03-1, Strategy 1.1 states “Support urban growth and development that is consistent with the town framework plans in Clause 21.12”.
Full amendment documentation is available from Amendments Online.
A hard copy of the amendment is available for public viewing at Mount Alexander Shire Council Offices, at the Civic Centre on the corner of Lyttleton and Lloyd Streets in Castlemaine during business hours.