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Find out about Plan Harcourt (Amendment C94) town planning and economic growth plans for Harcourt, and how to get involved.
The Maldon Design Guidelines (Amendment C96) aim to guide design and development that is sensitive to preserving the historical significance and character of Maldon.
This project plans to accommodate projected population growth over a 15+ year period and provides direction on areas where growth should occur.
Council is participating in a joint research project which aims to elevate Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD).
The Harcourt Infrastructure Plan identifies the infrastructure that needs to be delivered in order to meet the needs of the growing population.
Responding to population growth as well as community needs and aspirations.
The Castlemaine Heritage Study will identify places of heritage significance, review existing heritage overlays and document information to support future amendments.
The purpose of the project is to understand changing housing needs and identifying areas for growth whilst maintaining neighbourhood character.
The strategy will make recommendations to ensure there is appropriate, sufficient industrial land to serve the future development needs of the shire.
Castlemaine Railway Precinct Masterplan is a long-term document that will guide land activation and development in and around the area.
The action plan helps to prioritise council projects, allocate developer contributions and seek funding opportunities.
The Maldon Historic Central Area Review makes recommendations to update the precinct and boundaries and provides compliant heritage information for the area.