Council is preparing an Infrastructure Plan for Harcourt to identify the infrastructure that needs to be delivered in order to meet the needs of the growing population.
Harcourt has been designated as a town that can accommodate growth in the region by the Loddon Mallee South Regional Growth Plan 2014 and more recently, Plan Harcourt 2020. As the town grows, it is expected that there will be greater pressure for the provision of critical infrastructure. To meet this need, a holistic development and infrastructure planning and delivery approach is required. There is also the ability for Council to collect contributions from development to help fund this key infrastructure. This is called development contributions.
The Harcourt Infrastructure Plan (IP) is to play an important role in clearly identifying the infrastructure that needs to be delivered in order to meet the needs of the growing population. It is to establish the strategic basis for negotiating and collecting development contributions through the direct provision of infrastructure as works in kind or as a monetary contribution toward infrastructure provision.
The IP is being prepared using the same methodology and key principles as a formal Development Contributions Plan (DCP), which are set out by the state government. This involves establishing strategic justification for collecting contributions, demonstrating a nexus between new development and the need for new infrastructure, justification of infrastructure projects, and that any infrastructure costs are apportioned on the basis of projected ‘share of usage’. The IP will be used to assist with identification of infrastructure priorities and capital works plans for infrastructure, and as the strategic basis for collection of contributions and/or works in kind for delivery of infrastructure.
A Summary Report was prepared to provide information to residents, landowners, the development industry and other key stakeholders about how the Infrastructure Plan is being prepared, and to seek comments on the initial findings and recommendations. Consultation on the Summary Report concluded on Monday 4 April 2022. The feedback received is to be considered in the preparation of the final Infrastructure Plan.
Harcourt Infrastructure Plan, August 2024(PDF, 1MB)
For further information on this project, or to discuss the project in more detail, please contact Council’s Strategic Planning team on 03 5471 1700 or email