Maldon Design Guidelines review
The Maldon Design Guidelines provide detailed design criteria for new development in Maldon’s heritage precincts and areas affected by the Significant Landscape Overlay Schedules 1 and 3.
The guidelines aim to encourage buildings that complement the historic streetscape character of Maldon and do not dominate or compete with the historically significant place.
What are the Maldon Design Guidelines?
The Maldon Design Guidelines(PDF, 9MB) are an incorporated document to the Mount Alexander Planning Scheme. The guidelines provide design criteria for new development in Maldon covered by a Heritage Overlay, including the heritage precincts and the areas affected by the Significant Landscape Overlay Schedules 1 and 3.
The guidelines assist permit applicants (including property owners, architects, planners and builders) in preparing designs for new buildings or works or alterations to existing buildings. They also assist Council’s Statutory Planners and Heritage and Urban Design Officer/ Heritage Advisor in assessing planning applications in Maldon.
The Guidelines and Amendment C96malx
Heritage Advisory Service
Council offers a heritage advisory service. Our heritage officer can assist you in working with the guidelines, and assist with detailed design considerations such as colours or fencing. An online resource for colours can be found here, or, you can view a hard copy of the Munsell Colour Chart by contacting our heritage advisory service by clicking on the link above.