It is Council policy to consider a mediation meeting between the applicant and objector/s when circumstances may provide a resolution and the applicant is willing to participate. You will be invited to attend this if a meeting is scheduled.
If objections are not withdrawn, the application may be required to go before a Council meeting for a decision. You will be advised of the date of the meeting and provided with any other relevant information.
All applications to go before a Council meeting have a separate applicant / objector / supporter meeting.
This meeting is usually held two weeks prior to the Council meeting and provides an opportunity for the applicant and objector(s) to speak directly with Councillors and senior Council Officers about the application prior to it being determined.
The meeting will be facilitated to ensure Councillors have the information they need to make a decision at a subsequent meeting. It is not a mediation session and no decision will be made on the night.
For further information, please contact us.