Change of use

If you want to change to how your land is used (e.g. residential to commercial), you will need a planning permit.

Application requirements

Documents should be submitted as digital files. We also accept hard copies by mail or in person.

  1. Complete the online application or PDF form on the Lodge your planning permit applications page
  2. A written description of your proposal
  3. A Certificate of Title from Landata
  4. VicPlan Planning Property Report
  5. Report of selected materials, colours and finishes (as applicable)
  6. Fully dimensioned plans at a scale of 1:100 or 1:200, maximum size A3, If lodging in hard copy, supply x3 copies of each plan

Plans required:

  • site plans
  • floor plans (as applicable)
  • elevation plans (as applicable)  

Use our Planning Permit Application Lodgement Checklist(PDF, 315KB) to ensure you are meeting the application requirements.

Additional information

Written description of proposal

Your description should outline your proposal with as much detail as possible about your intended operation, and how you plan to use or develop the land.

This could include:

  • a description of your proposed business
  • proposed days and hours of operation
  • number of employees/staff/practitioners
  • number of patrons/seats
  • number of car parking spaces
  • how your business may impact surrounding properties (e.g. noise, lighting, car parking, odours, waste, etc.)
  • floor layout plan, or a seating plan (as applicable)
  • details of liquor licence (e.g. licence type, operating hours, how liquor will be sold or consumed, etc.), if applicable.

Certificate of Title

The Certificate of Title for your property can be requested from Landata. Fees will apply.

You will need to supply a current Certificate of Title (within the past 3 months) when you apply for your planning permit.


Your plans should be fully dimensioned at a scale of 1:100 or 1:200. The maximum size is A3.

If lodging in hard copy, please supply x3 copies of each plan.

The site plan must show:

  • boundaries and dimensions of the site
  • existing site context (e.g. street trees, vegetation, buildings, boundary features, crossovers)
  • setbacks to neighbouring boundaries/properties
  • streetscape elevations
  • location of car parking
  • shadow diagrams

The floor plan must show:

  • north point
  • elevation plans
  • for licenced premises, the area to be licensed in red, including the number of seats and arrangement of seating

Onsite inspections

To help us conduct an efficient onsite inspection, please:

  • provide a photograph of the site from the street
  • mark the site clearly with a sign showing the street number
  • peg out the location of the development and tape any vegetation to be removed
  • if the height of the development may be an issue, erect height poles to indicate the height of the proposed development
  • advise whether access to the site needs to be prearranged (e.g. if there are locked gates).



Check our Fees and Charges(PDF, 344KB) to see all costs involved in your permit application.


The materials you submit with your application, including plans, will be made available for public view. Copies may be made to interested parties for consideration and review as part of the planning process under the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Contact us for advice

It is important that you contact us to discuss your proposal at the concept or draft stage to avoid potential delays or disappointments during the planning process.