Section 173 Agreements

What is a Section 173 Agreement?

A Section 173 Agreement is a legal contract made between Council and another party or parties under the Section 173 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

A landowner is normally the other party to an agreement. In some cases a third party, such as a referral authority, may also be involved.

This agreement will be placed on the title to the land, and generally provides for continuous restrictions or on-going requirements on the use or development of the land e.g. development contributions

How to enter into a Section 173 Agreement

If you are required to enter into a Section 173 Agreement, you will be notified by our planners.

Beck Legal or Robertson Hyetts solicitors process Section 173 Agreements on behalf of Mount Alexander Shire Council. 

Process for amending or ending a Section 173 Agreement

  1. The applicant submits a completed Apply to Amend or End a Section 173 Agreement Form(PDF, 365KB) to Council
  2. Council will consider the application and conduct referrals (if required)
  3. Council will advise the applicant if the application has ‘in-principle’ support
  4. Council notifies any interested parties (if required)
  5. Council will provide the applicant a letter confirming if the application is being supported or refused. Any person who made an objection or submission will also be notified
  6. If the request is approved, the applicant must engage Beck Legal or Robertson Hyetts Solicitors to lodge the required documents with the Land Titles Office to have the agreement formally amended/removed from the title for the land

Note: In the event that Council refuses the proposal, the applicant can appeal the decision to the tribunal. In the event that Council supports the proposal, any objectors can appeal the decision to the tribunal for more details.

See for more information.

Registration of a change to Section 173 Agreement

Any change to a Section 173 Agreement must be registered on the title. This ensures that all future land owners are aware of, and bound by, the requirements of the Section 173 Agreement. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the agreement is registered at Land Victoria by engaging Beck Legal or Robertson Hyetts Solicitors to lodge the required documents with the Land Titles Office.