Business support

About the business help desk

We have a friendly team ready to support you through the process of running your business in our wonderful pocket of regional Victoria.

Whether you're starting out or looking to grow, we can help guide you on:

  • Support to start or grow your business
  • Permits and registrations
  • Training and funding opportunities
  • Connecting with local business networks
  • Insight into the local community


Our business help desk is available:

8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Contact our team today:

Online: Enquiry form
Phone: 03 5471 1745

Business support resources

Business services and resources

We have gathered up some excellent resources available to you to help you through the processes, no matter where you are on your business journey.

Business Victoria offers easy to use resources that you can tailor to suit your needs. These range from templates for business plans, permit checklists, and performance management tools. They also provide business mentoring for new and expanding businesses. has a wealth of information on what you need to do to when starting or expanding your business. Read their step-by-step checklists and guides or search for grants and events.

Workspace Australia provides low rent workplaces for new businesses to get established. They also provide ongoing coaching and mentoring for start-ups.

Business Hub - Check out the hub for advice from business leaders and industry experts.

Start-up Central Victoria offers networking and training to help aspiring and emerging entrepreneurs.

Business Victoria's Small Business Bus stops at locations across the Mount Alexander Shire to offer advice and support to local businesses. Keep your eye on this page or Council's Facebook page for the upcoming times and dates.

Victorian Small Business Commission helps provide information to small business about their rights and responsibilities to help avoid disputes. It can also assist small business in dispute by providing dispute resolution services.

Protect your business against cyber threats - If you haven't had the time to properly secure your online presence, Exercise in a Box may reveal weaknesses and opportunities in your cyber security.

Small Business Climate Adaption Toolkit - This interactive toolkit is designed to help small business owners prepare for the impacts of climate change by building an adaptation plan for their business. The small business adaptation toolkit is a seven-step process and is free to access. 

Local business associations

We have several local business and traders’ groups in the shire. These groups are a great way to connect with people in business like you and enable community led and inclusive local business collaboration, networking, and advocacy.

Business Mount Alexander (BMA)

Business Mount Alexander supports and connects people who do business and have an interest in Mount Alexander.

Membership offers many benefits:

  • networking
  • information sharing
  • forums to raise and discuss local issues
  • promotion
  • mentoring
  • business development and much more.

For more information visit their website.

Maldon Inc.

Maldon Inc is dedicated to fostering and promoting Maldon through a range of projects and events.

For more information visit their website.


Business grants

Find out about the latest grants and funding opportunities by visiting our Business grants page. 

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Get the latest local business news and information straight to your inbox every fortnight.


Mental health in the workplace

Small Business Guides to Mentally Healthy Workplaces

Small Business Guides to Mentally Healthy Workplaces provides information about key topics, clear examples, helpful tips and links to further support and guidance.

Partners in Wellbeing

Partners in Wellbeing offers free professional advice and mental health support through wellbeing coaching to help manage business and personal issues. They offer a Small Business Support service providing professional and practical support for small business owners.

Visit the Partners in Wellbeing website to get support.