Open and inclusive services


Our Shire is diverse and we’re proud to celebrate the vibrant backgrounds of our residents.

We appreciate that you or your family may have specific needs and we encourage you to share these with us. This helps us ensure the service you receive is appropriate and takes into account individual needs.

This may include information around:

  • Culture diversity
  • Sexual and gender diversity
  • Age
  • Health needs
  • Socio-economic and financial circumstances
  • Faith and spirituality
  • Indigenous heritage

We use this information to provide the best support for everyone in our community. All information is treated confidentially and with respect.

Wellness and Reablement

It’s important for our services to be holistic, which is why we use a ‘wellness and reablement’ approach to your care. Here’s what that means.

Wellness means recognising your individual needs, desires and goals. It appreciates your strengths and helps you continue to build them. Wellness focuses on supporting you to have a better quality of life.

Reablement means helping you improve your independence by improving functional capacity (the various physical and mental tasks we do each day as part of daily life). This is goal-oriented and aims for full recovery where possible. Reablement helps enable you to live your life to the fullest.