Elder abuse and neglect

You have a right to feel safe and to live in an environment where you are protected from abuse or neglect.

Older Australians can be at risk of abuse from family, friends, our staff, other clients or other people. 

Abuse can be in the form of:

  • Financial or material abuse
  • Neglect
  • Emotional or psychological abuse
  • Social abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse.

We are committed to making sure you are safe in our service and with our staff. We will also help you if you experience abuse or neglect outside of our service.

If you have any concerns about your safety, please talk to us as soon as possible. We guarantee your confidentiality as far as possible and we will only provide assistance or take action that you are happy with.

The national 1800ELDERHelp line (1800 353 374) is available if you want to talk to someone and will provide you with information, help, support and referrals.