Shopping and appointments

Services can include help with shopping, paying bills or attending medical appointments.

Home care (note) shopping

You can provide our Direct Care Workers with your shopping list and they will do your grocery shopping for you.

Our staff can also provide a bill paying service for you.

Note: Note shopping is a cash only service. Our staff cannot use your EFTPOS or credit card or be given access to your PIN. 


Accompanied activities

Our Direct Care workers can provide help for you to access your community. 

They will collect you from your home and take you out to your local shops to attend to your shopping and bill paying. 


Note: this service has some limitations

  • We cannot collect prescriptions or buy over the counter medications unless accompanied by you.
  • We cannot buy alcohol or cigarettes unless accompanied by you
  • We cannot pay by credit or debit card in person unless you are with us. We cannot receive access to your PIN.

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