Castlemaine Men's Shed


The Castlemaine Men's Shed provides a support program for many men in the community. Our program is mainly built around mental health support by way of companionship and woodwork and involvement with the community of Castlemaine.

The group supports numerous community activities such as park bench seat renovation or other small structures for Council, repairing furniture or other items for the community and support for crisis events like bushfires. The shed provides a much needed welcoming supportive environment for men in the community who have retired, suffer ill health or have lost their partners. If you would like to join the group you will find an application form on our website.

Friday is a good day to come along as most men turn up for morning tea and chat about what is going on at the shed.


Castlemaine Men's Shed,  42 Wimble Street,  Castlemaine 3450  View Map

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