Our statement of commitment

Mount Alexander Shire Council, commits to being an active member of the Loddon Mallee Collective Action for Respect and Equality- CARE partnership.

The prevention of violence against women is everyone’s business.

  • We know we all have a role to play to help promote gender equality and prevent violence against women and that our organisation can take action to make a difference.
  • We know by working together we can build safer, respectful communities for everyone in the Loddon Mallee region.
  • We know that while all women can experience violence, discrimination and disadvantage, some women may experience it more often. We understand that this happens because of structural barriers and attitudes towards aboriginality, age, ability, sexuality, cultural identity, and social ‘class’.
  • We will create a workplace and community which promotes social justice, gender equality and respect for all women.
  • We will be active members of the CARE Partnership and provide at least two key contacts from our organisation to promote this work with the support of Women’s Health Loddon Mallee.
  • We will complete a CARE Partner Organisation survey each year, provided by Women’s Health Loddon Mallee.

Learn more about the CARE model