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In This Section
Here's a list of useful emergency contact details for residents in Mount Alexander Shire.
Victoria Police Call: 000
CFA Call: 000 Please note: for emergency assistance only
Ambulance Victoria Call: 000 Please note: for emergency assistance only
SES Call: 000 Please note: for emergency assistance only
Emergency information line Call: 1300 842 737 Please note: operates during large-scale emergencies
Vic Emergency Hotline Call: 1800 226 226
Bureau of Meteorology Call: 1300 659 217 Please note: automated advisory information line
Coliban Water Call: 1300 363 200
Department of Health Call: 1300 650 172
TTY users phone Call: 13 3677 then ask for 1300 650 172
Speak and listen users phone Call: 1300 555 727 then ask for 1300 650 172
Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) Call: 1800 668 511 Please note: this is to register your burn off with CFA
National Relay Service Users Call: 1300 555 727 and ask for information to be relayed to ESTA via 1800 668 511
Environment Protection Authority, Pollution Watch Line Call: 1300 372 842
Goulburn Murray Water Call: 1800 064 184
Poisons Information Centre Call: 131 126
Powercor Call: 132 412
VicRoads, Traffic Hazard Reporting and Advisory Service Call: 131 170
WorkSafe, Incident Reporting Line Call: 132 360