Climate Change Forum

We held a public Climate Change Forum in December 2019, in the form of an open Councillor Briefing, to inform our future action on climate change.

The forum was designed to help Councillors better understand what a climate change emergency would mean for the shire, and other ways to tackle climate change as an organisation and community.

It involved an invitation to interested parties to present to Councillors, or make a submission, to inform a community approach to tackling climate change.

It followed the presentation of a petition from Mount Alexander Climate Change Emergency Team (MACET) at the Council Meeting in October, requesting Council declare a climate emergency.

We're already undertaking a series of actions on climate change as part of our Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality(PDF, 2MB)  and everyday operations.

Agenda and presentations

The Climate Change Forum took place over a series of sessions from 9.00am to 9.00pm at the Civic Centre on Monday 9 December 2019. Councillors heard a total of 49 presentations over three sessions.

 Councillors heard a range of views, and anyone was welcome to speak, attend the forum and/or make a submission.

Written submissions

A total of 91 written submissions were received and made available to Councillors in parallel with the forum presentations.

Please note: only those submissions for which permission has been granted are provided here, and some names and addresses have been removed at the request of the authors.

Declaration of a climate emergency

Council passed a Notice of Motion to declare a climate emergency, at the Ordinary Meeting of Council of 17 December 2019.