A zero-emissions shire

Council is committed to reducing our operational greenhouse gas emissions and reaching ‘net zero’ emissions by 2025.

We're doing this through a number of projects and initiatives.

We use 100% renewable electricity
  • Council operations (buildings and lighting) are powered by 100% renewable electricity
  • Street lighting has been upgraded to energy-efficient LED
  • Community electric vehicle chargers have been installed in Castlemaine and Harcourt, and an overnight charger has been installed in the Castlemaine Civic Centre car park
We're working on a fleet of electric vehicles
  • We're in the process of developing an Electric Vehicle Transition Plan for the Council fleet, and have purchased our first electric vehicle in 2022, a Nissan Leaf
We're capping the Castlemaine Landfill
  • The Castlemaine Landfill has been capped, with locally sourced recycled concrete and green waste used in this process
  • Gas flaring infrastructure has been installed to reduce greenhouse emissions
  • Our Waste Management Strategy 2023 - 2033 identifies opportunities to reduce community waste, and divert high-emissions resources, such as food scraps and garden waste
We're working with local groups
  • We have Memorandums of Understanding with The Hub Foundation and Mount Alexander Sustainability Group
  • We support the Wararack zero-net emissions work, and look for opportunities to support many other local groups where our plans and strategies align
  • These groups provide opportunities for residents to proactively get involved in climate action
We're looking for new opportunities
  • We're looking for opportunities to offset operational greenhouse emissions locally, which will provide jobs and positive biodiversity outcomes
We're making changes moving forward
  • When procuring major plant equipment, we'll be looking at higher emission controls and improved fuel efficiency
  • When upgrading our tools for outdoor workers, we choose electric over diesel or petrol -powered where possible
We're looking at low-emissions products
  • Where possible, we're looking for opportunities to trial low-emissions products
  • This includes recycled asphalt, old car tyres, recycled concrete, and using recycled and treated water for road construction and dust suppression
We're upgrading our community facilities
  • We've upgraded lighting at a range of recreation sites
  • We've installed water harvesting and have increased natural light where possible
  • We maintain the solar arrays on Council buildings and we're gradually upgrading old gas appliances to energy efficient electric options. A recent audit of all Council-owned buildings has helped the team to identify priorities for environmental upgrades
We're working on a Walking and Cycling Strategy
  • Our Walking and Cycling Strategy is currently under review
  • The review aims to increase active transport, reducing our reliance on fossil fuel powered transport
We're using environmentally sustainable design
  • Environmentally sustainable design elements will inform future Council buildings
  • Opportunities are being sought to implement our Integrated Water Management Plan