The next round opens Monday 20 January 2025.
Mount Alexander Shire Council allocates funds each year to support new and innovative community projects that align with the pillars and strategic objectives in the Council Plan 2021-2025 and other plans and strategies.
Two funding rounds of $50,000 are open each year (January and July).
All applications must be for projects that are:
- based in Mount Alexander Shire and
- benefit the Mount Alexander Shire community.
Read our Community Grants guidelines.(PDF, 561KB)
To be kept up to date of when grant rounds open, subscribe to our community grants mailing list.
Who can apply?
To be eligible to apply for a community grant you must be:
- A not-for-profit organisation, incorporated association, registered charity or have an auspice arrangement.
- Have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or provide a Statement by a Supplier form from the Australian Taxation Office
- Applications with an auspice, must have a signed auspice agreement. An auspice agreement template is available on Council’s website (for Small grants only). Auspice organisations must have an ABN.
- Partnership Grant applications must be submitted by a lead organisation and involve a minimum of three partners. All partners must be a not-for-profit, incorporated association or a registered charity.
Important dates
Round one application deadlines
Applications open: Monday 20 January 2025, 9:00am
Applications close: Monday 10 February 2025, 4:00pm
Grant information sessions
Maldon information session
When: Wednesday 29 January, 11.00am to 1.00pm|
Where: Maldon Visitor Information Session
Castlemaine information session
When: Wednesday 29 January, 4.00pm to 6.30pm
Where: Castlemaine Town Hall foyer
Eligible applications are assessed by a cross-organisational panel against the following weighting and criteria listed below.
Applications will be ranked from highest to lowest score and those with the highest scores will be awarded funds until the total pool of $50,000 is exhausted.
25% how well the project aligns with the strategic objectives of the Council Plan
50% how the project benefits and/or meets a need in the Mount Alexander Shire community
25% demonstrated ability to plan and deliver the project
Successful applicants will be notified by email and sent a funding agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the funding being provided by Council. Funding agreements must be signed and returned by the due date. An invoice for the grant amount must also be provided with the funding agreement to receive funding.
Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by email and provided with feedback. Applicants may also request to speak with a Council officer about their unsuccessful application for further feedback.
- Review the Community grants Program Guidelines
- Contact Council’s Community Grants team to discuss your project idea. Call 03 5471 1700 or email
- Check the round closing date so you don’t miss the deadline to submit
- We use an online platform called SmartyGrants where you can complete and submit your application. SmartyGrants will prompt you to the current round or to register before beginning your application.
- Once your application is complete, you will receive an automated email acknowledging successful submission.
Assistance is available on request.
All applications need to be completed using SmartyGrants, if you require assistance please contact us on 03 5471 1700 or email
After your project has been a roaring success, you must complete an online acquittal.
- Go to: and log in with the username and password you used to submit the application.
- Click on “My submissions”.
- Click on “Project Completion Report” directly under the submitted application to complete the report.
If you did not apply online, please email
Below are some of the projects we are proud to have supported through the Community Grants program: