Castlemaine Primary School Traffic Studies

  • Project typeTraffic safety improvements
  • Project scheduleOn schedule
  • Completion Date29 June 2024

There are a number of schools in the residential areas of Castlemaine which draw a significant number of students from the town and surrounding districts. The volume of traffic, including cyclists and pedestrians increases during school pickup and drop off. An analysis of existing traffic conditions will provide the documentation required to plan for essential safety infrastructure.

Project summary

We are focused on improving pedestrian and traffic safety throughout the shire.

As part of this, we are undertaking traffic studies to identify and assess parking and traffic safety improvements at three primary schools in Castlemaine.

These are: 

  • Castlemaine Primary School
  • Castlemaine North Primary School
  • Winters Flat Primary School. 

Project investigation

Some of the issues that will be investigated by the traffic studies include:

  • Delineation between bus zones
  • Car parking and pedestrians movements
  • Traffic calming measures
  • Formalised parking
  • Drop off zones
  • Traffic management plans
  • Effective school crossing points.

Driver behavior is influenced by these factors. Traffic studies will identify infrastructure solutions.

Project aim

The aims of this project includes:

  • Analysis and documentation of current pedestrian and cycling activity
  • Analysis and documentation of parking habits around the schools
  • Analysis and documentation of speeding habits around the schools
  • Concept design for managing traffic, speeds and parking around schools
  • Recommendations for associated infrastructure improvements to be made around the schools in response to the issues and road safety concerns identified above
  • Draft community engagement plan to respond to the recommended options
  • Evaluation report. 

Project outcomes

The project outcomes will include:

Traffic reviews, traffic management plans and parking strategies to:

  • Increase pedestrian and cyclist safety
  • Increase driver safety and awareness of pedestrian movements
  • Increase in the number of children participating in walking and cycling to school
  • Reduce traffic congestion
  • Reduce drivers exceeding speed limits around schools
  • Remove barriers to walking and cycling to school. 

Relationship building with primary schools and local Police to support the promotion of messaging to increase pedestrian safety and driver road safety awareness.

Where are we now

We are preparing to undertake the traffic studies and related community consultation at the selected primary schools. Community consultation is currently open via our online engagement platform, Shape Mount Alexander.  


What happens next?

We will secure the services of a qualified consultant to undertake the traffic analysis works. They will review the community feedback, consider it in their analysis and in any concept plans produced.


Project funding

This project is funded by the 2021 TAC Local Government Grant Program.