Footpath design 2021-2022

Mount Alexander Shire Council is committed to improving safety, accessibility and encouraging walking throughout the shire through the continued improvement of its footpath network.

Project summary

As part of the Walking and Cycling Strategy and through community engagement, Council has identified five footpath projects for design

Detailed location maps are available on SHAPE Mount Alexander.


Five footpath design locations:

  • Murphy Street Footpath (Duke Street to Farran Street & Leanganook Track)
  • Duke Street Footpath (McGrath Street to Kellsall Court)
  • Merson Street Footpath (McGrath Street to Duke Street, Castlemaine)
  • Duke Street Footpath (McGrath Street to Leanganook Track, Castlemaine)
  • Gingell Street Footpath (Castlemaine Railway Station to Forest Street via Camp Reserve, Castlemaine)


Project aim

The aims of this project include the design of footpaths to connect key activity centres ie Wesley Hill Recreation Reserve to the Shire's existing footpath network along with improvements to the safety, accessibility and connectedness of sealed pathways for walking, cycling and running within the Shire.