Road design - Muckleford-Yapeen Road

  • Project typeRoad design
  • Project scheduleCompleted
  • Completion Date01 May 2022

Project aim

Mount Alexander Shire Council is committed to improving road conditions within the shire through continued maintenance and upgrading of the existing road network.

In order to deliver our program of road upgrade and rehabilitation projects we need to complete detailed investigations and design of some of the roads we need to do works on.

The objective of this project is to develop design and tender documentation for the rehabilitation and upgrade of selected roads and intersections.


Design considerations

This project involves:

Pavement widening on Muckleford-Yapeen Road.

Our intent is to widen the existing single lane road to accommodate two sealed vehicle lanes and unsealed shoulders. We will also look at the intersection with the Pyrenees Highway as we understand there are concerns at this intersection.

View the locality map(DOCX, 82KB)


Yapeen-Muckleford Rd, Yapeen 3451  View Map

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