Improvement works include:
- Install shelter and seating at existing bus stops that have defined bus zone line markings
- Create a defined entrance to Ellery Park including landscaping and signage
- Install bicycle racks
- Level and seal car parking near General Store to include accessible parking space
- Create a paved courtyard space with seating between the Town Hall and Ellery Park
- Install seating, street lighting and street landscaping.
The proposed pedestrian refuge noted on the concept plan (item 6) located between Chewton Soldiers Memorial Park and the old Chewton General Store is not feasible in accordance with design standards.
The proposed location is not feasible due to the following reasons:
• The proposed location is at a bend is considered a road hazard for both pedestrian using the island and motorists using the road as it is a single lane in each direction.
• The tapered centreline line-marking required will extend beyond the North Street, Fryers Road intersection which is not in acceptable in accordance with design standards, and will create confusion amongst the motorists coming into the intersection from both roads.
• Refuge islands are preferred by VicRoads to be “Mid Block”, therefore not located at an intersection.
• The added kerb outstands in this location reduced the crossing width to 6.6 m, which is appropriate for this location with a speed limit of 50km/hr.
Council is investigating the feasibility of a pedestrian refuge located approximately 40 m east of Fryers Road opposite the ‘Former Church’ as this location is close to the bus stops. Council intend to finalise the design in coming months to keep the Small Town Streetscape project moving in Chewton.