Walker Street - Pedestrian Crossing and Footpath construction

  • Project typePedestrian footpath and crossing construction
  • Project scheduleOn schedule
  • Completion Date30 June 2023

Mount Alexander Shire is focused on improving safety, accessibility and encouraging walking throughout the towns within the shire by continuing to improve its footpath network.

As part of this focus Council has completed a design for pedestrian crossing points on Walker Street, Castlemaine. This included a sealed footpath on the southern side of Walker Street connecting the pedestrian crossing at the railway line to the existing sealed path at the bridge crossing at Barkers Creek.

Project Aim

The aim of this project was to enable connectivity through a well maintained, safe and accessible footpath network, and pedestrian crossings. Poor quality footpath assets create risks for pedestrians and cyclists accessing key activity centres.

This project constructed safe and well illuminated pedestrian crossing points linking 'The Mill' to the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens.

Design Considerations

As Castlemaine continues to increase in population more people will be looking to utilise public areas for events and meeting locations. This increases the need to ensure that pedestrians have safe access between popular tourist attractions.

This project involved the construction of:

  • A sealed pathway (1.5m asphalt footpath) between railway lines to the existing sealed path at the bridge crossing at Barkers Creek
  • Improved pedestrian connectivity to 'The Mill' and Castlemaine Botanical Gardens
  • Increased visibility along Walker Street where pedestrians cross, including installation of street lighting
  • Upgrade/installation of pedestrian crossings in Walker Street

Where are we now

The design for this project was developed in 2021 and construction was completed in August 2023. 

The works included the installation of new footpaths, pedestrian crossings, street lighting, disabled car parks and new pedestrian bridge.


Contact details

Dale Baker - Project Engineer


Walker Street, Castlemaine 3450  View Map

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