Yeats Street Upgrade

  • Project typeStreet upgrade
  • Project scheduleOn schedule
  • Contractor nameLeech Earthmoving
  • Completion Date30 April 2023

This project involved the upgrade of the 200 metre section of Yeats Street, located between James Street and Wheeler Street, Castlemaine.

This project improved the safety of Yeats Street, reducing storm water impacts to the road and houses along this section of Yeats Street and improving safety for all road users.

Project summary

The 200 meter section of Yeats Street, which was gravel with open drainage, is now sealed to reduce dust produced. It also included the installation of kerb, storm water pits and drains to improve drainage.

The Yeats Street Upgrade was funded by the Federal Government’s Roads to Recovery Program and Council. Works began in January 2023 and were completed in April 2023.

Project aim

The project aim was achieved, improving the road conditions for users by: 

  • reconstructing, widening and sealing the existing road including installation of kerb
  • improving access to all vehicles and reduce dust generation
  • improving delineation of road, whilst removing hazardous trees/limbs near roads edge along Yeats Street
  • improving run-off through implementation of pits to capture water and underground piping of stormwater.

Where are we now?

Project was completed in April 2023.


Yeats Street, Castlemaine 3450  View Map

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