Driveways and nature strips

Do you own property in the shire?
You have some responsibilities and obligations when building on it or altering it. 

Vehicle crossovers on driveways

Property owners are required to maintain their driveway, vehicle crossover and drainage infrastructure within their driveway. 

Any costs to construct, repair or change a vehicle crossover, driveway and drainage infrastructure within the driveway are the responsibility of the property owner.

Before conducting works or altering a vehicle crossover, you must obtain a permit from Council or get consent from VicRoads depending on which authority manages your road.

Find out more on our Works within a road reserve page.   

Nature strip beautification

If you live in a township, your property is likely zoned as Urban/Residential. In these areas you are required to maintain the nature strip adjoining your property. This ensures accessibility and safety for pedestrians, and clear sightlines for road users. 

If you live on the edge of town, or outside of a township, your property likely falls in the Rural/Farming Zone and Council is responsible for vegetation management in these locations.

Mowing, slashing or other disturbance to native vegetation is not permitted and it is an offence under the Planning & Environment Act 1987 to do so.

Furthermore, Council is also responsible for the protection of threatened species on rural roadsides throughout the Shire. Native vegetation removal may negatively impact these threatened species.

Nature strip beautification is not permitted on rural roadsides throughout Mount Alexander Shire.

Read more about property owners and residents obligations to nature strips.

Report an issue

Report issues or hazards by lodging an online service request or contact us.

I have an issue with a street tree

Is there a street tree that:

  • Needs pruning or trimming?
  • Needs canopy lifting of trees?
  • Needs fallen limbs removed?
  • Needs watering?

Lodge an online service request or contact us.

Please note: storm damage and trees over roads as a result of wind and rain are an emergency. Report them to us as an emergency.

Can Council clean up the leaves I have raked up on my nature strip?

No, this service is not offered by Council.

You can deposit green waste at Council's Waste Transfer Facility. The leaves are then mulched and used by Council.

I have noxious weeds on my nature strip, what should I do?

Within urban township areas, under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994, it is the responsibility of the owner of the abutting property to control the spread and if need be, remove any noxious weeds on a nature strip.

Weeds outside the urban township zones are the responsibility of Council and controlled by our annual Rural Roadside Management Program whereby declared noxious and priority environmental weeds are targeted as part of ongoing vegetation management activities.

This program aims to reduce weeds, promote biodiversity by increasing the quality and quantity of indigenous vegetation and to fulfil Council's legislative requirements such as protecting threatened species.

Contact us to report concerning weed infestations.