Vaughan-Tarilta bridges project

  • Project typeBridge replacement
  • Project scheduleOn schedule
  • Completion Date29 June 2024

This project is examining the replacement of an existing ford and 2 bridges near the township of Vaughan with new modern structures.

Project overview

The existing timber bridge over the Loddon River was built in 1868 and has now reached the end of its life. The bridge is in poor condition and was converted to a pedestrian bridge approximately 10 years ago. At the same time a ford /floodway capable of allowing vehicles to cross the river was constructed further downstream. This crossing now, in addition to emergency fire trucks, also allows local residents access across the Loddon River.

Council is proposing to construct a new concrete low level structure capable of providing all weather access to all vehicles, not just 4 wheel drives (excluding high flow and flood events). The new structure has been designed in accordance with all Australian Standards and when complete is capable of providing access to all heavy vehicles. The structure will also provide access for both pedestrians and cyclist and provide a new entrance to the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park.

Council is also examining options for the reconstruction or replacement of the Burgoyne Street road bridge and the existing timber pedestrian bridge.


Design considerations

The design of the low level bridge has considered:

  • The need to provide all weather access to all vehicles, not just 4 wheel drives (excluding high flow and flood events).
  • The need to provide access to all heavy vehicles.
  • The need to provide access for both pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Providing a new entrance to the Castlemaine Digging National Heritage Park. 

The replacement or reconstruction of the existing timber pedestrian bridge will need to include considerations of the heritage overlay.


Where are we now

1. Low level bridge to replace the Floodway

Council has completed a Cultural Heritage Management Plan and Vegetation & Fauna Assessments required prior to construction and the designs have been reviewed against current Australian Standards.

Council has continued to keep key land management stakeholders informed about the progress to insure all required information for approvals is prepared to be submitted alongside the Cultural Heritage Management Plan and Vegetation & Fauna Assessments.

Council is now obtaining a licence to conduct works in a National Park from Parks Victoria, and the Land Use Activity Agreement application has been lodged. An application to conduct the works within a waterway has been lodged with the North Central Catchment Management Authority.

Council has prepared tender documentation for the project to be released in October. A suitable contractor will be selected to undertake the construction early 2024. This will include new signage to inform people for the floodway, depth indicators, and warning ahead signage.

View the completed designs here(PDF, 1MB).

2. The Burgoyne Street road bridge

Given the condition of this bridge short-term risk mitigation measures need to be adopted. The recommendation is to implement safe traffic control to guide vehicles to a central path across the bridge. To achieve this barriers will be placed on the bridge to restrict traffic to one central lane. The provision for pedestrian access will be provided behind the barriers.

A traffic safety audit will be undertaken to provide details of traffic control on the approaches to the bridge including signage such as 'Giveway' and 'One vehicle to cross at a time' and a number of speed restrictions signs.

View the proposed line making and signage plans here(PDF, 3MB).

At this time no further load limits will be imposed on the bridge and some repair work will be undertaken to restrict further water egress through the bridge deck.

Council will also commence a high level cost estimate for a total rebuild to inform future grant opportunities which are being reviewed at this time.

3. Existing timber pedestrian bridge

As part of the low-level bridge construction approval from Parks Victoria, council plans to have the flood debris clearing undertaken by DJANDAK. Once these works are completed a level 3 assessment will be undertaken on the timber bridge as a cost estimate for repair can be developed.

A number of options are being explored and include:

  • Repairing the existing bridge
  • Replacing the bridge

Constructing a new pedestrian bridge in another location.

What happens next?

Detailed costing are being prepared for the options above. This also includes exploration of the heritage conditions that may apply knowing that the timber pedestrian bridge is located in a Heritage Overlay. Requisite approvals and agreements with land owners are also being progressed.


Design completion date

It is anticipated that this project will be completed 29 June 2024.