What matters to you? Get involved and help guide what we do and how we do it over the next four years. Share your feedback before 22 April.
We employ a range of skilled staff, and support a safe, inclusive and welcoming working environment.
Find information on upcoming Meetings of Council, past agendas and minutes, submitting a petition to Council and more.
Information on how Council works, your Community Vision, meet your Councillors, and more.
Report issues and request services, from repairs and maintenance to dumped rubbish, trees, roads, footpaths, graffiti, drainage, parks and more.
Online payments for rates, applications and permits, animal registrations, infringements, venue hire and more.
You can visit us in person, call, email, or reach us through the our website and social media channels.
Find the latest news, sign up for newsletters, learn about media enquiries and more.
Learn how your rates are calculated, how they help deliver services, and how to pay your rates.
We are committed to genuine engagement with our community on the plans, strategies and decision which affect them - visit Shape Mount Alexander to contribute.
Information on public accountability, freedom of information, public notices, our internal governance, and more.
Find information on Council's Local Laws aimed at ensuring the amenity of the area, and enforcement.
Learn about Committees of Management.
Learn about how tendering for business with us works, track existing tenders, and submit tenders.
Find information about citizenship ceremonies hosted by Council.