Social media terms of use

We use our social media channels to keep our community informed about upcoming events, activities, projects and initiatives.

We encourage ideas, communication and feedback from our community, and invite you to join conversations about Mount Alexander Shire. We support open conversation and debate, and we expect participants to engage with us, and with each other, in a respectful manner.

Moderating comments

Council reserves the right to moderate and delete comments and posts on our social media channels that are:

  • hateful or denigrating towards an individual or group of individuals based on their ethnicity, religion, gender, age, disability or sexual orientation
  • misleading, obscene, graphic, off-topic or spam
  • knowingly false or mischievous complaints or statements about individuals, companies or the government
  • repetitive posts copied or duplicated, or materially repetitive posts by single or multiple users
  • unlawful or incite others to break the law
  • promotional, commercial or overly political in nature
  • defamatory or harassing of our employees, volunteers or the participants in our channels
  • information that may compromise the safety or security of the public
  • defamatory or harassing of any person
  • (during caretaker period before Council elections) campaigning, or content to be seen of a political nature
  • any other inappropriate content or comments as determined by Council staff.

At our moderator’s discretion, Council reserves the right to hide and delete comments, issue warnings for behaviour in breach of these terms of use, or permanently ban access to anyone who violates the above guidelines.

We monitor our social media channels from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays). Any posts submitted outside these times will receive a response the following business day or as soon as possible.

For customer service issues, please get in touch

While we try to assist with simple questions or issues, some matters cannot be resolved via social media. Contact our Customer Service team on 5471 1700 if you:

  • wish to make a complaint or enquiry
  • need to request a service
  • would like to give us official feedback or respond to an item published for public comment.

If you would like to report a post for us to review, send an email to