Matthew Driscoll

Councillor - Loddon River Ward


Councillor profile

What made you want to run for Council?

Growing up in a home where money was tight, where there was domestic violence and where my parents relied on State support, I knew that I wanted to work hard and succeed. I wanted to live away from Melbourne. I worked to become a successful business person, and my wife and I raised two strong, independent children, who are now adults. We moved from Melbourne to Castlemaine nearly 30 years ago, educated our kids here, and immersed ourselves in the Castlemaine community.

Castlemaine has been great for our family, and I wanted to pay forward the tremendous good fortune we have enjoyed as members of a vibrant, growing and diverse community. I am passionate about Castlemaine, our shared heritage, our diversity, our optimism for a sustainable future.

I firmly believe that council should provide a mouthpiece for those who may not be heard, and that I have the skills to help in areas such as affordable housing, encouraging local sporting groups, small business ventures, and advising various community groups on how to be better heard.

What are your top three priority areas for your term?

Without doubt, my top priority is to explore ways in which our community can deliver more affordable housing. We should be looking at ways to not only enable but to encourage and support multi-generational living, tiny houses, and the possible unlocking of council owned land.

Another priority is to hear community issues and help as many community groups and individuals as I can to help them improve their situation; to give them a voice, to help them access relevant funding, and to support them in their community endeavours.

Equally as important is the need to support new enterprises and small businesses within our community. Without the creation of jobs, Castlemaine will struggle to grow and to prosper, I believe many people will want to move into our area if they can find a decent job.

What do you love most about your local area and community?

I feel blessed to live in such a vibrant, diverse and supportive community on Dja Dja Wurrung land. Our area is rich with a diverse history, blending and celebrating many cultures, and is a breathtakingly beautiful landscape. I am in awe of the many local community groups who are passionate in extending support to the people around them, and who just want to make their town better.

We are progressive as a community, with an optimism for the future of our town, and we look out for one another. 

Anything else you'd like to tell us?

I have a lifetime of experience both in business and in community groups, so I bring passion and purpose in equal measure to the Council! I am a good listener, and I get things done. I know that there are people in our community who need someone to hear them and to give them a voice regarding issues that relate directly to where they live.

I understand what it’s like to raise a family in Castlemaine, along with the challenges and immense joys that can bring. I feel strongly that affordable housing is imperative for the dignity of all, and that I have the creativity, business experience and passion to resolutely explore possible solutions further.

I encourage personal responsibility, maximising personal choice, rewarding effort and risk taking whilst ensuring a safety net of decency and fairness.

Related information

Councillor Code of Conduct(PDF, 2MB)

  • Municipal Association of Victoria
  • Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy: Maldon and Newstead Community Reference Group
  • Mount Alexander Shire Council Affordable Housing Trust
  • Rural Land Use Strategy