In 2021, Council asked community members for their vison and aspiration for the shire for the next 10 years.
From that feedback, Council developed a Community Vision 2021-2031.
Community Vision 2021-2023
In 2031, our community is connected to each other, and comes together to build and celebrate an inclusive, creative shire.
We are a healthy community that values the natural beauty of the Djaara Country we live on.
We also know that preserving our natural environment means living sustainably and caring for country.
We are protecting our shire from the threat of climate change by working together at the local level.
We are a welcoming community where everybody has access to services and supports, and opportunities for housing, education, employment and creative and social pursuits.
We’re known as a vibrant place which draws upon its creative spirit and shared heritage.
We’re building a place where everyone can enjoy the beauty, history and friendliness of the shire.
The Your Community, Your Vision project
The Community Vision 2021-2031 was one of the outcomes from Council’s Your Community, Your Vision project.
Council undertook extensive community engagement between April 2021 to September 2021, with more than 1,000 pieces of feedback from residents.