Council plans and strategies

Council prepares a number of plans and strategies strategies which guide the future direction of the Council and the shire.


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Council adopted the Active Transport Strategy at its ordinary meeting of Council 19 September 2023.

The strategy sets the direction for Council to partner with the community and other government agencies and organisations to improve active transport opportunities and outcomes for residents. 

The strategy builds on the work delivered in the Walking and Cycling Strategy 2010-2020 with a vision to work towards a safe, sustainable, accessible and connected active transport network to encourage our community to become more active, more often.

The strategy sets out three key goals which focus on:

  • Increasing active transport awareness
  • Developing and delivering safe, connected, and sustainable active transport infrastructure 
  • Enhancing community health and wellbeing outcomes through active transport activity

The Aspirational Mapping and Initial Action Plan are documents that will support delivery of the goals set out in the Active Transport Strategy. 

The Initial Action Plan is a 20-month plan and will be reviewed and assessed at the beginning of the next Council term, at which point annual action plans will be developed to align with the next four-year Council Plan. A key action in the Initial Action Plan is the further refinement of the Aspirational Mapping for townships in the Shire.




Council recognises that sound asset management practices are essential to the quality and sustainability of the built environment, and necessary to the delivery of services.

The Asset Plan provides direction to manage Mount Alexander Shire Council’s asset portfolio so that it best meets the service delivery needs of the community.

Council adopted the Building Asset Management Plan at its ordinary meeting of Council on 18 July 2023.

The plan guides the organisation’s direction for the management of 276 buildings and minor structures across the Shire that support the delivery of many services for the community.

It formally documents a sustainable and strategic approach to plan, develop and maintain the organisation’s building assets throughout their entire life cycle from acquisition to disposal. It provides direction and understanding to Council officers, the community and key stakeholders and demonstrates the organisation’s commitment to maintaining community buildings in accordance with industry best practice.

It is a five-year plan, noting that many building assets have a life longer than this timeframe, the focus of this plan is determining strategies required for maintaining, rehabilitating and renewing components of the asset portfolio over the next 20 years.

Castlemaine Botanical Gardens is home to the Flora and Fauna Reserve which contains numerous important ecological features and has state biological significance as a habitat to the endangered species, Eltham Copper Butterfly.

The plan identifies and describes the values of the reserve, and formulates a ten-year action plan to guide future management.

Council developed the Living Collections Plan to guide the future protection and management of the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens.

The plan will ensure the long-term future of the gardens as a site of botanical, ecological and historical significance, and broaden the current role of the gardens to include an educational and scientific function, as well as a place for recreation.

Councillors noted the plan at their meeting on Tuesday 15 March 2022.

Council developed the Tree Succession Plan to guide the future protection and management of the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens.

The plan will ensure the long-term future of the gardens as a site of botanical, ecological and historical significance, and broaden the current role of the gardens to include an educational and scientific function, as well as a place for recreation.

Councillors noted the plan at their meeting on Tuesday 15 March 2022.

Council adopted the Castlemaine Streetscape Plan and Design Standards in June 2020 to guide the development of a more attractive and functional commercial centre while working with the historical features of the picturesque 19th century town.

The high-level plan and design standards will guide Council and the community in the strategic management, maintenance and improvement of the streets and public spaces in the central district of this historically and socially significant town.

The streetscape plan will guide a number of improvements including safer street crossings, more street trees and enhancements to public spaces.

The design standards provide detail for streetscape elements such as street furniture, paving materials and crossovers. They also aim to respect the historic features of the town and improve amenity and access across the town centre.


Council adopted the Castlemaine Urban Waterways Management Plan at its Ordinary Meeting of Council on 16 October 2018.

The plan guides how Council will work with local Landcare groups to manage 70 hectares of public land around urban waterways throughout Castlemaine, Campbells Creek and Chewton.

It identifies opportunities to improve walking and cycling links, enhance the experiences for visitors and improve water quality. The plan also provides a solid basis to seek financial and strategic support from other levels of government and facilitate education programs with local schools so students can learn about and interact with the waterways.

The plan's vision is to work collaboratively to protect and improve the waterways’ environmental, social and cultural values whilst minimising risks.

Human influence on the global climate system is responsible for global warming and the related impacts on people and ecosystems. Strong and effective global and local action on climate change is essential.

The Mount Alexander Shire Council Climate Change Action Plan 2024-2025 outlines more than 40 actions that Council will take this year to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address our shire's climate change vulnerability.

The action plan implements Council's Climate Change Strategy and supports Council's commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2025.

Council adopted the Climate Change Strategy at its ordinary meeting of Council 20 June 2023.

In Mount Alexander Shire, we are already taking action but there is more we can do. With this strategy, Council commits to using our legislated powers to take action on climate change. Together, we can continue to build our resilience. We can strengthen our connections and climate-readiness across the shire we all love.

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