Mount Alexander Early Years Plan 2022 - 2026

Council adopted the Mount Alexander Early Years Plan 2022-2026 at the Council meeting on 18 April 2023. 

The plan is a Council-initiated plan, developed in partnership with the local community and early years service providers to guide the provision of early years programs, services and partnership activities in the shire.

It aims to support the needs of families and children from 0 – 8 years.

The vision for the plan is for 'child-friendly communities where children thrive and belong'.

The plan is structured around four priority areas:

  • Belonging – Our children are happy, included, and safe.
  • Supporting – Our families are supported by their community and their services.
  • Collaborating – Our service providers are working together to make life easier for families.
  • Connecting to Place – Our natural environment opens a world of play, care, and creativity.

A Steering Group comprising local community members, service providers and government representatives, meets regularly to oversee the implementation of the plan and ensure it remains an inspirational and progressive document.

Regular conversations, forums and bulletin updates will help keep the community and key stakeholders regularly informed about the plan’s progress, and ensure that successes and achievements are acknowledged, shared and celebrated.