Council Seeks Input on 2025/2026 Budget

Published on 19 December 2024

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Mount Alexander Shire Council is inviting the community to have their say on Council’s 2025/2026 Budget.

The submission process is now open for community members and organisations to submit a proposal for projects or funding considerations for the 2025/2026 Budget.  This is the opportunity to have your say on what you would like to see included.

Last year Council’s $47.99 million-dollar budget outlined the resources needed to deliver more than 100 services in our community under the Council Plan 2021-2025 pillars of:

  • A healthy, connected, and inclusive community
  • An environment for people and nature
  • A resilient and growing economy.

These services include roads, bridges, drains, open space, waste and recycling, animal management, maternal and child health, aged services, early education, emergency relief and recovery, as well as other key projects.

Mount Alexander Shire Council’s Mayor, Cr Rosie Annear said that community feedback is important in helping Council develop its 2025/2026 Budget.

“As a small regional Council, we manage to do a lot on a limited budget,” said Mayor Annear.

“With the cost of materials and services increasing, and with more responsibilities and expectations from State and Federal government, and community, it’s increasingly difficult to do the work we want to do with the funds we have.

“This is where we need our community’s involvement.

“We have very passionate and engaged residents, and their input is essential to help staff and Councillors when we’re developing a new budget.

“I encourage residents to visit our online engagement platform, Shape Mount Alexander, and let us know what they’d like to see prioritised or included in Council’s 2025/2026 Budget.

Community members will also have the opportunity to speak to Councillors about their Budget submission at a special meeting next year.”

Previous feedback on Council budgets has resulted in funding allocations to support projects from local organisations such as the Castlemaine-Maryborough Rail Trail Group, Castlemaine Community House, Metcalfe Community Association, MainFM and Harcourt Valley Heritage & Tourist Centre Inc.

Have your say

Residents are encouraged to provide input into the 2025/26 Budget development.

Submissions close on Friday 7 February 2025.

All community input received will be collated and provided to Councillors for their review and consideration during the budget process.

Community members who provide a submission and wish to speak to their submissions may do as at the meeting of Council in May 2025.

Councillors will consider the draft budget for adoption at a meeting of Council in June 2025.

For more information, contact Keith Caldwell, Council’s Manager Finance on 5471 1700 or at

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