Council invites community members to help implement active transport

Published on 29 May 2024

Active Transport

Do you want to ensure Mount Alexander Shire has safe, connected and sustainable active transport infrastructure?

Express your interest in becoming a member of the Active Transport External Working Group.

Mount Alexander Shire Council’s Active Transport External Working Group will support Council in implementing actions from the Active Transport Strategy, and to help ensure the shire has accessible active transport infrastructure.

The group ill be comprised of community members who engage in active transport, have a genuine interest in active transport outcomes, possess skills, experiences and knowledge deemed helpful in supporting the aims of the group, and represent diversity across the community.

Mount Alexander Shire Council’s Mayor, Cr Matthew Driscoll, said that the group will have an opportunity to positively affect change across the whole shire.

“Active transport can be a bit of a tricky term to understand, but it’s essentially referring to how you get about,” said Mayor Driscoll.

“Some examples of active transport include cycling, walking, using a mobility scooter, getting to school by walking or riding, taking your dog for a walk, and pushing prams.

“We’ve been working on our Active Transport Strategy for some time and it has some fantastic actions in it.

“What we need now is a group of dedicated residents who can advocate for the community and assist us in implementing these actions.”

Members of the working group will assist Council in the following ways:

  • Aspirational mapping for townships in the shire.
  • Evaluating accessible communication methods (e.g. audio, visual, mobility and language) to support the needs of all active transport users.
  • Establishing a consistent data capture program for active transport activity and benchmarking.
  • Advocating for greater coordination of scheduling between public transport providers.

“It’s incredibly important that we have the input of our community when implementing actions that affect the whole community,” said Mayor Driscoll.

“Our residents are passionate and knowledgeable people, and they know best when it comes to how our community moves through the shire, and what needs to be done to make that easy and accessible.

“I highly encourage residents to express their interest in joining this working group.

“The actions we’ll implement together will have a hugely positive effect on our shire.”

How to get involved in the Active Transport External Working Group

Complete an Expression of Interest form in one of the following ways:

For more information visit, or contact Troy Lyons, Active Communities Team Leader at or by calling 5471 1700.

Expressions of Interest close on Sunday 16 June.

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