Forest Creek works begin

Published on 24 March 2025

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Works have begun to breathe new life into Castlemaine’s Forest Creek thanks to funding support from the Australian and Victorian governments.

Revitalising Forest Creek has long been a community ambition, to support local plants, birds, and animals and improve the health of the creek for locals to enjoy.

Sediment and contaminated soil will be removed from the creek channel from Ten Foot Bridge to near Urquhart Street to expose the natural meander of the creek and to create a series of pools.

DJANDAK, the enterprise arm of the Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation, has received a Victorian Government Integrated Water Management grant for the works, which will link into an additional project downstream to Campbells Creek and upstream through Happy Valley later in the year.

The works will be the first of many on the creek over the next three years.

The North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) will manage a further revitalisation project along a 3.5km stretch of the creek from upstream of the Leanganook Track footbridge to the Camp Crescent footbridge later in the year, on behalf of the Forest Creek Revitalisation Project Implementation Group.

The long-term project is receiving $1.8 million in grant funding through the Australian Government’s Urban Rivers and Catchments Program, part of the Natural Heritage Trust.

Forest Creek Revitalisation Project Implementation Group Co-Convenor Kaye Swanton said the creek channel was originally built in the 1860s to protect central Castlemaine from floods and to convey the excessive amounts of mining sludge downstream from the mining activity along the creek during the gold rush.

“This initial stage of works will remove sediment and create a low flow channel with intermittent pools with native grasses and sedges planted to provide habitat along this section of Forest Creek,” she said.

“It’s all part of the longer-term re-naturalisation project to repair some of the damage done.”

Ms Swanton said restoring Forest Creek had been a community ambition for years.

“It is very exciting to finally bring this project to fruition,” she said.

“It will create habitat linkages between Forest and Campbells creeks and recreate meanders, riffles, and pools.

“Creekside vegetation will be enhanced by replacing the dense stands of reeds with low rushes and sedges, and plantings on the banks of the creek will create a serene green space for the community.”

Federal Member for Bendigo Lisa Chesters said the funding provided by the Federal Labor Government was crucial to the restoration of Forest Creek and the community’s efforts to protect the waterway’s habitat for the native species that depend on it.

“The feedback I’ve received since announcing the funding for this project has been incredibly positive,” she said.

“It’s wonderful to see works begin on this project, which will help repair and restore our natural environment for future generations.”

State Member for Bendigo West Maree Edwards welcomed the beginning of the works.

“We have the opportunity to restore and protect the creek, supporting both nature and the community that relies on it,” she said.

The Forest Creek Revitalisation Project Implementation Group is a partnership between DJAARA, DEECA, North Central CMA, Mount Alexander Shire Council, Castlemaine Landcare Group, and the Friends of Campbells Creek.

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