Guildford Avenue of Honour stage two tree works

Published on 13 July 2023


Tree works will soon begin to improve the health and condition of significant trees along the Guildford Avenue of Honour.

The Guildford Avenue of Honour is a double row of trees located between the Railway Bridge and the Loddon River Bridge. It was established in 1921 to commemorate World War One, and is a significant and historical town asset.

Restoration of the Avenue of Honour is being undertaken in two stages. In 2022, stage one works included trees between Havelock Street and the Loddon River Bridge. Council will soon begin stage two works, which includes trees between the Railway Bridge and Havelock Street.

Mount Alexander Shire Council’s Tree Management Officer, Heath Bambrough conducted an audit at the site, and identified health and safety issues with the trees due to their mature age and historic pruning practices.

To preserve the significance of the Avenue of Honour, and to protect public safety, Council will undertake the second and final stage of the tree work program and planting.

The works will include:

  • canopy restoration and pruning to improve tree longevity, health and condition
  • removal of three trees in poor health and condition
  • planting of four new trees.

The works will start in August, and traffic management plans will take effect to ensure the safety of Council staff, contractors and members of the public.

The tree improvement works are supported through funding from the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.

Thank you to the Castlemaine Returned and Services League of Australia (RSL) for their support of the tree improvement works.

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