Have your say on Council’s plan to reach zero-net emissions by 2025

Published on 31 October 2024

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Mount Alexander Shire Council is inviting community members to provide feedback on its draft Carbon Offsetting and Drawdown Policy.

The policy is the next step in Council’s target to achieve zero-net emissions for its operations by 2025.

Council is progressively working towards zero-net emissions through priority actions outlined in the Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality 2020-2025.

Actions already undertaken include switching to renewable energy to power Council buildings and lighting, transitioning Council’s fleet of vehicles to electric, and more.

The next action under the roadmap is to offset any remaining, residual emissions generated through activities such as gas and electricity use in Council buildings, fuel for vehicles, paper usage, and waste to landfill.

The draft policy proposes Council’s plan to purchase carbon credits, preferencing those that are high-quality, high-integrity, and sourced locally.

In addition, the policy outlines Council’s intention to focus on supporting new and established locally-led projects that are part of a circular economy, increase social connection, and improve local biodiversity.

Examples of types of projects that are in scope include initiatives such as a community battery, providing energy efficiency equipment for people to retrofit to their homes, or creating habitat and connection in urban neighbourhoods.

The policy will guide Council decision-making, ensuring it meets annual targets of zero-net emissions for its operations. It will be used in conjunction with the Offset and Drawdown Procedure.

Have your say

Community members are encouraged to find out more or provide input in one of the following ways:

Residents can meet Council’s Climate Change Coordinator, Brendan Garrett to find out more about the project by stopping by the Castlemaine Library on Saturday 9 November from 9.45am to 11.00am and on Tuesday 12 November from 3.00pm to 4.30pm.

For more information on the draft Offsetting and Drawdown Policy, visit https://shape.mountalexander.vic.gov.au/draft-carbon-offsetting-and-drawdown-policy.

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