Help us shape the future of disability, access and inclusion in Mount

Published on 18 May 2023


18 May 2023

Mount Alexander Shire Council is inviting the community to provide feedback on the draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2027.

This plan will guide Council and the community in working together to ensure that Mount Alexander Shire is a welcoming and inclusive place for people of all abilities.

In creating the draft plan, Council worked with members of the Disability Action Plan Working Group, individuals with disability, carers and service providers, and consulted with the community in a variety of ways to ensure the plan reflects community needs and priorities.

The draft plan shows Council’s commitment to making sure people with disability are included, and have equal opportunities, for housing, education, employment, and creative and social pursuits in the shire, and are able to access the services and support that they need.

The draft plan is themed into five key areas:

• Equal, respectful and dignified access.
• Opportunities and access to employment, volunteering, education and economic participation.
• Promote inclusion and participation in civic life.
• Change the attitudes and practices that lead to discrimination of people with disability.
• Wellbeing and safety.

Council has outlined a range of actions within the draft plan that work towards a shire that is a welcoming and inclusive place for people of all abilities.

Some examples of actions include:

• the continuation of Council’s Parent Talk series, which includes neurodiversity topics and access to parent support networks.
• ensuring that all designs for new or improved parks, community facilities and streetscapes include a Disability Design Review
• support promoting the benefits of having a ‘quiet hour’ to businesses and service providers
• promotion of the Accessibility category in the Mount Alexander Business Awards
• disability awareness training for Council staff.

Mount Alexander Shire Council’s Mayor, Cr Rosie Annear, said that the draft plan focuses on how Council can improve inclusion across the shire.

“The plan focuses on how we can remove barriers to people’s participation in shire life, as well as delivering genuine and achievable results that will make our community more accessible and inclusive for everyone,” said Mayor Annear.

“To make sure the plan accurately represents the community, we’ve co-designed it with people who have lived experience of having a disability or care for someone with a disability.

“We’ve also consulted with other relevant organisations such as Castlemaine Library, Sports Focus, Windarring, local schools, employment agencies and others.

“While we’ve done thorough community consultation, and I’m confident that the draft plan reflects what we’ve heard so far about the wants and needs of the community, we need to make sure that we’ve got it right and haven’t missed anything.

“The more people we hear from, the stronger the plan will be and the better the outcomes for our community, so I encourage everyone to have a look at the draft plan and let us know what you think.”

Lorraine le Plastier, a member of Council’s Disability Action Plan Working Group, said that the plan was developed through significant consultation with people with disabilities, their carers and families, and disability advocates and allies in our shire.

“Their insights and experiences have helped us to create a planning foundation for Council to reverse discrimination experienced by people with disabilities, and to help strengthen our community to ensure people of all abilities feel included,” said Ms le Plastier.

“Inclusion is when people see themselves in their community, where people feel safe, welcome and accepted in all parts of their lives, with services and events that are accessible, safe and welcoming for everyone.”

Community members are encouraged to view the draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2027.

Provide feedback on the draft plan

• Visit and complete the quick survey.
• Email your feedback to
• Give your feedback to a member of Council staff over the phone by calling 5471 700.
• Send feedback in writing to Att: Disability Inclusion Action Plan, Mount Alexander Shire Council, PO Box 185, Castlemaine VIC 3450.
• Pop into the Castlemaine Civic Centre to request a hard copy and provide feedback in-person.

Submissions close on Friday 9 June.

Council will finalise the Disability Inclusion Action Plan in July, with the plan scheduled to go to Councillors for consideration in September.

For more information, contact Sarah Grade, Council’s Social Equity and Inclusion Officer, on 5471 1700 or email


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