Let’s work together to reduce alcohol-related harm in our community

Published on 13 June 2024

Working Group

Mount Alexander Shire Council and community partners are leading the way in reducing alcohol-related harm in the community.

Following on from their 2023 Community Alcohol Profile, Council will be launching an Alcohol Harm Prevention Project.

The project will promote health and wellbeing, drinking in moderation, and educate the community on alcohol-related harm and how to minimise it.

Harmful alcohol consumption can lead to a range of health issues, impacting individuals, families and the community as a whole.

Health issues can include liver problems, cardiovascular issues, cancer, mental health problems, addiction, accidents and injuries, and social and behavioural issues.

This is particularly significant in young people, and can impact a young person’s education, employment opportunities, relationships and overall quality of life.

In 2023, Council received VicHealth funding to develop a Community Alcohol Profile and action plan to address any alcohol-related harm occurring in the shire.

Key findings from the profile

  • In general, our shire fairs well in overall health behaviours, compared to the Victorian average, with exception of alcohol consumption.
  • We have a higher rate of single occasion risky drinking (53.5% of the population) compared to Victoria (41.8% of the population).
  • We have a higher rate (per 100,000 population) of death compared to the State and City of Greater Bendigo
  • We have a higher rate (per 100,000 population) of alcohol related family violence than Victoria.
  • We have a lower rate of treatment referrals than Victoria and all other neighbouring shires. This could be related to the lack of appropriate local services, or people requesting to be treated outside the shire.
  • We have a higher than average level of alcohol consumption.

Mount Alexander Shire Council’s Director Corporate and Community Services, Lisa Knight, said that Council is committed to improving community health and wellbeing through the Alcohol Harm Prevention Project.

“Excessive alcohol consumption plays a pivotal role in poor physical and mental health outcomes, increased family violence and road trauma incidents,” said Ms Knight.

“The findings in the Community Alcohol Profile are really eye-opening, and as a community, I know we all want a safe, inclusive and healthy place to live.”

Council has received further funding from VicHealth to implement health promotion actions, with the aim of reducing alcohol-related harm in the community.

A working group has been established, including representatives from Council, Dhelkaya Health, Victoria Police, Castlemaine Secondary College, The Bridge Hotel, Loddon Mallee Public Health Unit, and The Alcohol and Drug Foundation. The working group will be facilitated by Council’s Community Projects Officer.

“The further funding we’ve received to implement our Alcohol Harm Prevention Project will mean some really positive changes in our community,” said Ms Knight.

“We’re not working to stamp out alcohol consumption, what we’re talking about is drinking in moderation and promoting good habits because we know that alcohol is detrimental to our physical and mental health and has been identified as the sixth leading cause of disease in Australia”

Over the next 15 months, the working group will:

  1. Work together to deliver actions to reduce alcohol related harm.
  2. Update Council’s website with project updates, information and resources about alcohol-related harm prevention for the community.
  3. Develop an awareness-raising program for parents and carers of young people about the impacts of alcohol on young people.
  4. Encourage local sporting clubs to participate in the Good Sports Program to reduce harm from alcohol.
  5. Identify suitable education programs for young people.

“This is an exciting project, and I’m looking forward to sharing updates with the community on how we’re reducing alcohol-related harm, and improving health and wellbeing across the shire,” said Ms Knight.

“There’ll be lots of opportunities for our community to learn about how to minimise the impacts of alcohol-related harm, and improve our overall health and wellbeing.”

Find out more about the project at www.mountalexander.vic.gov.au/Community-and-Wellbeing/Healthy-living or contact Melissa Fowler, Council’s Community Projects Officer, on 5471 1700 or email m.fowler@mountalexander.vic.gov.au.

Image: Mount Alexander Shire Alcohol Harm Prevention Project Working Group


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