New shared cycling and walking path on the way for McKenzie Hill
Published on 27 February 2025
Mount Alexander Shire Council has welcomed more than $3M in funding from the Federal Government to design and construct a new shared cycling and pedestrian pathway in McKenzie Hill.
Council was successful in obtaining the funding through the Federal Government’s Active Transport Fund, which aims to encourage an increase in active transport through the upgrade of existing and construction of new bicycle and walking pathways across the country.
Federal Member for Bendigo, Lisa Chesters MP visited McKenzie Hill on Tuesday 25 February to congratulate Council on its successful application.
The new path will link McKenzie Hill to Castlemaine, and stretch for travel 3.6 kilometres along Ireland Street, McKenzie Hill to Parker Street, Castlemaine via the Castlemaine Railway Station.
The route is used by children and families travelling to and from schools and childcare centres, and by commuters travelling to the train station and Castlemaine town centre.
When completed, the new shared pathway will improve accessibility and encourage more people to walk and cycle safely.
Mount Alexander Shire Council’s Mayor, Rosie Annear said she was excited to hear news of the funding.
“This is a fantastic, and very welcome investment in our shire’s active transport network,” said Mayor Rosie Annear.
“The project to construct a shared cycling and pedestrian pathway linking McKenzie Hill to Castlemaine is one that members of our community have been advocating for, for some time.
“McKenzie Hill is a growth area in our shire, that currently doesn’t have great linkages or connections to central places and services in Castlemaine.
“While we would love to be able to deliver large active transport projects like this ourselves, it’s often just not possible, due to the high costs associated with new infrastructure.
“We’re thrilled that the Federal Government can help us out, and believes in the benefits of this project as much as we, and our community, do.
“Thank you to our community members in McKenzie Hill (and beyond) who have contacted us, met with Councillors, and put forward a strong case for this project, and other important active transport linkages in the shire.
“We’ve been listening, and your advocacy will improve the lives of many people in our community.”
“Our plan to improve active transport in the shire includes a number of other initiatives, which we’ll continue to seek funding to implement over the coming years.
“McKenzie Hill is the first step in the right direction, and hopefully one project of many to come.
“We’re looking forward to getting started on this project, and delivering a high-quality shared cycling and pedestrian pathway that provides greater connections for residents and encourages safe active transport to and through Castlemaine,” said Mayor Annear.
The project will be delivered through the Federal Government’s Active Transport Fund grant of $3.01 million, with a contribution of $750,000 from Council. It is anticipated to take four years to deliver.
Construction of the new shared pathway is expected to start in late 2026, and will follow a detailed design phase.
The project aligns with a number of Council’s strategies and masterplans, including the Castlemaine Railway Precinct Masterplan and Council’s Active Transport Strategy.
Image: Community members, Mount Alexander Shire Councillors and staff, and Federal Member for Bendigo, Lisa Chesters MP celebrate the funding announcement in Castlemaine.