Official opening of new infrastructure following Federal funding
Published on 24 March 2025
Mount Alexander Shire Council is proud to officially open two new important community infrastructure projects in the shire following Federal Government funding.
The projects include new changerooms at the Campbells Creek Recreation Reserve, and the reinstatement of the Vaughan-Tarilta Loddon River low level crossing.
Both projects have been supported with funding through the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program.
The LRCI Program supports councils across Australia to deliver priority local road and community infrastructure programs.
The official opening to celebrate the completion of both projects was held on Tuesday 18 March, and attended by Lisa Chesters MP, Federal Member for Bendigo, on behalf of Federal Minister Kristy McBain.
Mount Alexander Shire Councillors, Council staff, and community members were also in attendance.
Mayor Rosie Annear said both projects were incredibly important to community members, and will result in a range of benefits for residents and visitors to the shire.
“The existing facilities at Campbells Creek Recreation Reserve didn’t cater for everyone in our community, and through this funding we’ve been able to change that,” said Mayor Annear.
“We’ve now got gender neutral changerooms at the reserve, along with an accessible toilet and shower.
“Both of these things will remove some of the barriers that people face when looking to participate in local sport – and that’s a fantastic result.
“We are still seeking funding to implement the full masterplan for the Campbells Creek Recreation Reserve, something we know is needed, but hope this project will help users feel more comfortable and included in the space, in the interim.
“Over in Vaughan, residents have been advocating to Council for an improved bridge which is safer, and suitable for pedestrians, emergency vehicles and all vehicles, for many years.
“Through the LRCI Program, we’ve finally been able to deliver this much-needed project.
“We’re grateful to the Federal Government for their support in helping us get these priority projects completed for our community and hope that the LRCI funding program, or something similar, continues on.
“Rural Councils like ours often struggle to fund infrastructure construction, due to our resourcing constraints and relatively small rate-base, meaning that grant funding is essential in delivering these projects.
“The LRCI program is fantastic because the funding can be used for a wide range of local road and community infrastructure projects, giving Councils the flexibility to direct money to priority projects identified at a local level.”
Detail on the LRCI Program projects are:
New changeroom at Campbells Creek Recreation Reserve
There were no change rooms or adequate toilet/shower facilities for netball players at Campbells Creek Recreation Reserve.
The project delivered gender-neutral change facilities, which will significantly improve safety and remove barriers to participation for women, girls and gender-diverse people.
The project also delivered a new accessible pathway.
New Vaughan-Tarilta Road bridge
The previous bridge has been closed for at least 10 years due to safety concerns.
This forced residents on the Tarilta side to utilise a floodway, which was only accessible to 4WD vehicles, to cross the Loddon River or travel a greater distance around via Tarilta.
The project delivered an all-weather access for pedestrians, emergency vehicles and non-4WD vehicles.
The projects have been jointly funded through the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCI) and Council.
Image: Cr Phillip Walker; Mayor Rosie Annear; Cr Toby Heydon; Cr Tony Cordy; Darren Fuzzard, CEO of Mount Alexander Shire Council; Dale Baker, Development Engineer; and community members.