September Council meeting wrap-up

Published on 13 September 2024

New playground at Harcourt with kids playing

Councillors met for their monthly meeting on Tuesday 10 September.

It was a busy meeting with a large agenda. In addition to the standard committee reports, officers presented on a number of key items including the annual report, a CCTV policy, the new wellbeing focussed Economic Development Strategy and the advisory committee for the Mount Alexander Affordable Housing Trust.

There was an update on the Campbells Creek Off Road Trail and the town of Harcourt featured heavily with Councillors adopting four key planning tools to support the growing town:  

  • Plan Harcourt Amendment
  • Harcourt Infrastructure Plan
  • Harcourt Town Centre Action Plan
  • Harcourt Flood Study Amendment. 

Here’s what you need to know:

What are all these planning tools going to achieve?

Harcourt has been identified as a town that can accommodate growth in the region by the Loddon Mallee South Regional Growth Plan 2014 and more recently, Plan Harcourt 2024.

We are preparing to welcome more residents to Harcourt in the coming years.

Developed in stages over the past five years, together these planning tools will put tangible strategies in place to guide how we develop more housing and local infrastructure, as well as protect Harcourt’s natural resources and unique characteristics. 

What is Plan Harcourt?

Plan Harcourt is a project that focuses on integrating our planning and local economic development with community aspirations and local identity.

The plan:

  • Guides land use and development in Harcourt through planning policy reform.
  • Guides the look, feel and function of the town centre.
  • Builds from studies such as the Harcourt Landscape Master Plan, Harcourt Town Centre Master Plan, planned upgrades to Stanley Park North and the potential return of passenger trains to Harcourt Railway Station to ensure these interventions are knitted into the town’s fabric.

Learn more about Plan Harcourt


What is the Harcourt Infrastructure Plan?

The Harcourt Infrastructure Plan identifies infrastructure that needs to be delivered in order to meet the needs of Harcourt’s growing population.

The plan establishes how we negotiate and collect development contributions to share the funding of the provision of infrastructure, for example, as works in kind or as a monetary contribution.

Learn more about the Harcourt Infrastructure Plan

What is the Harcourt Town Centre Action Plan?

The Harcourt Town Centre Action Plan was recommended by both Plan Harcourt and Shine Harcourt Leanganook which emphasised the need for a defined town centre.

This plan will allow for urban design and activation initiatives in the town centre. It prioritises 10 key projects and details the next steps in making them happen.

Learn more about the Harcourt Town Centre Action Plan

What is the Harcourt Flood Study?

The Harcourt Flood Study Amendment (or planning controls) was recommended by the recent Harcourt Flood Study. The flood study aims to improve flood resilience and preparedness in the area, and was informed by historical information, physical conditions, computer modelling and community feedback. 

Learn more about the Harcourt Flood Study 

While we are now publishing Council meeting wrap-ups every month, as per Councils Election Period Policy there will be no editions during the election period.

The next edition will be in November 2024 with new Councillors on board!

Watch this space…


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