Share your feedback on the draft Active Transport Strategy

Published on 30 May 2023


30 May 2023

Mount Alexander Shire Council is inviting the community to provide feedback on the draft Active Transport Strategy 2023-2033.

The strategy outlines Council’s plan for improving active transport participation within the shire over the next decade and beyond.

In creating the draft strategy, Council consulted extensively with Councillors, Council staff, community members involved in the project’s various working groups, and the community at large.

Feedback provided during consultations informed the development of the draft Active Transport Strategy, which is guided by three overarching goals. These are to:

• Advocate to reduce active transport barriers for participation
• Develop and deliver safe, connected and sustainable active transport infrastructure
• Enhance community health and wellbeing outcomes.

Council has outlined a range of high-level action areas under the draft strategy’s goals that aim to increase active transport experiences for more people in the shire.

Mount Alexander Shire Council’s Manager of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities, Karen Evennett said the draft strategy is a long-term vision that sets a benchmark for more accessible active transport outcomes in the shire.

“We received some fantastic, really detailed feedback during the consultation process on areas our community would like us to focus on, and we will continue to refer to that,” said Ms Evennett.

“The draft strategy outlines our ‘higher-order’ goals in active transport – with broad goals, themes and action areas informed from feedback we received.

“We’re keen to hear the community’s thoughts on the draft strategy and action areas that we’ve identified, to ensure we’ve captured everyone’s sentiments accurately.

“As part of the project, we’ve also drafted an ‘aspirational network map’ – which highlights potential active transport journeys in shire townships.

“The maps draw on community feedback, and has been developed considering connections to public transport, education centres, business hubs, and community assets and public meeting places.

“We’re hopeful our community will take a look at some of the proposed potential routes that we have mapped, and share their thoughts with us on that too.”

Have your say

Community members are encouraged to view the draft Active Transport Strategy 2023-2033, draft Initial Action Plan, and Aspirational Mapping and provide feedback.

• Visit and complete the quick survey on the draft strategy
• View and review the Aspiration Maps at
• Take a look at the draft Initial Action Plan at
• Email us your feedback at
• Call us to provide input on 5471 1700
• Pop into the Castlemaine Civic Centre to request a hard copy and provide feedback in-person.

Submissions close on Thursday 22 June.

Council will finalise the draft Active Transport Strategy later this year, with the plan scheduled to go to Councillors for consideration in October.

For more information, contact Troy Lyons, Council’s Active Communities Team Leader on 5471 1700 or via email on


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