Statement from Mayor Annear - Daylesford incident

Published on 06 November 2023

Logo for Mount Alexander Shire Council

I was deeply saddened to hear about the horrible accident that occurred in Daylesford last night, and the resulting deaths and injuries.

On behalf of myself, my fellow Councillors, and all of us at Mount Alexander Shire Council, I convey our great sorrow at this tragedy, and send our heartfelt condolences to everyone who is grieving today, in Hepburn Shire and beyond.

Small communities feel the heartbreak of these things very deeply, but are also incredible at coming together to support and care for each other when bad things happen.

Please know that your neighbours in Mount Alexander Shire are thinking of you.

We send our hopes for speedy recovery to those who were injured, and our hearts are with those who lost loved ones. 

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